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Acoustic modes in a rectangular flow duct with a wall of finite acoustic impedance value , Tomonobu Goto, Kuri Maeda, Tonau Nakai, Masaharu Nishimura , Congress Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2023 , vol.1-4-6 (p.11 - ) , 2023 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
One sight on sound generation and absorption by vortices , Masaharu Nishimura, Yuka Iwaki, Tomonobu Goto , Congress Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2023 , vol.1-4-6 (p.10 - ) , 2023 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Difference in the chemotaxis between monotrichous and peritrichous bacteria clarified by a numerical simulation and observation , Tonau Nakai, Yuta Kunimasa, Tomonobu Goto , Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering , vol.17 (3) (p.No.22-00121 - ) , 2022 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Biased reorientation in the chemotaxis of peritrichous bacteria Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium , Tonau Nakai, Taishi Ando, Tomonobu Goto , Biophysical Journal , vol.120 (13) (p.2623 - 2630) , 2021.07 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Difference in chemotaxis of Salmonella cells between serine and aspartic acid , Tonau Nakai, Yasutoshi Higashida, Fumiya Nakamura, Tomonobu Goto , Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering , vol.16 (3) (p.No.21-00074 - ) , 2021 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Asymmetric swimming motion of singly flagellated bacteria near a rigid surface , T. Goto, S. Kudo, Y. Magariyama , Bio-mechanisms of Swimming and Flying (N. Kato, S. Kamimura eds) , , vol.0 (0) (p.3 - 16) , 2008 , T. Goto, S. Kudo, Y. Magariyama , Learned Journal , The Multiple Authorship , English
An engineering perspective on swimming bacteria: High speed flagellar motor, intelligent flagellar filaments, and skillful swimming in viscous environments , Y. Magariyama, S. Kudo, T. Goto, Y. Takano , Bio-mechanisms of Swimming and Flying (N. Kato, J. Ayers, H. Morikawa eds), , , vol.0 (0) (p.1 - 12) , 2004 , Y. Magariyama, S. Kudo, T. Goto, Y. Takano , Learned Journal , The Multiple Authorship , English
Updated on 2024/04/19