Behavioral comparison in males of two praying mantis species of the same genus, Hierodula patellifera and H. chinensis (Mantodea: Mantidae: Hierodulinae) in Japan, in response to the conspecific or allospecific species of calling females and females' headspace crude extract. , Saji S, Yamasaki K, Fujimoto N, Naka H. , Environmental Entomology , 2022.09 , The Multiple Authorship , English
Molecular phylogenetics and tribal classification of Japanese Pyraustinae and Spilomelinae (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). , Matsui Y, Mally R, Kohama S, Aoki I, Azuma M, Naka H. , Insect Systematics & Evolution , vol.1 (p.1 - 30) , 2022.08 , The Multiple Authorship , English
Discovery of Bembecia kaszabi (Căpușe, 1973) (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from Kyushu, Japan. , Yagi S, Yano T, Ishiwata F, Ogawa K, Matsui Y, Naka H. , Lepidoptera Science , vol.in press , 2022.06 , The Multiple Authorship , English
Discovery of an unknown species closely related to Pleuroptya harutai (Lepidoptera, Crambidae, Spilomelinae) feeding on Styrax obassis (Styracaceae). , Matsui Y, Naka H. , Lepidoptera Science , vol.72 (p.49 - 58) , 2021.12 , The Multiple Authorship , English
Checklist of moths (Heterocera) of Tadong, Sikkim, India. , Chettri P, Matsui Y, Naka H, Tiwari A. , Journal of Threatened Taxa , vol.13 (p.19837 - 19848) , 2021.10 , The Multiple Authorship , English
Chemical Divergensis in the Sex Pheromone Communication Systems in Moths. , Naka H, Fujii T , Springer Nature , 2020.03 , The Book (the science book) , The Multiple Authorship , Allotment Writing , English
Implications for Conservation Biology. In: Chemical Ecology in Insects: Applications and Associations with Plants and Microbes , H. Naka , CRC Press , 2018.01 , The Book (the science book) , The Multiple Authorship , Allotment Writing , English
Updated on 2023/10/02