41 - 60 of about 96
Soil-particle selection by the mound-building termite Macrotermes bellicosus on a sandy loam soil catena in a Nigerian tropical savanna , Abe, S. S., Yamamoto, S. and Wakatsuki, T. , Journal of Tropical Ecology , vol.25 (4) (p.449 - 452) , 2009.07 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Effect of Cl- and SO42- Salinity on Micronutrients Release and Uptake from Different Composts Applied on Total Phosphorus Basis , Zahoor, A., Honna, T., Yamamoto, S., Faridullah, Irshad, M. and El-Hassan, W. H. A. , Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis , vol.40 (9,10) (p.1566 - 1589) , 2009.05 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Extractability and bioavailability of phosphorus from soils amended with poultry liitter and poultry litter ash , Faridullah, Irshad, M., Yamamoto, S., Zahoor, A., Endo, T. and Honna, T. , Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment , vol.7 (2) (p.692 - 697) , 2009.04 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Methane emission and its relations with plant parameters and dissolved oxygen in different rice genotypes , El Sharkawi H. M., Sherif, A., Zahoor, A., Faridullah, Yamamoto, S. and Endo, T. , Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment , vol.7 (2) (p.453 - 470) , 2009.04 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Characterization of trace elements in chicken and duck litter ash , Faridullah, Irshad, M., Yamamoto, S., Honna, T. and Eneji, A. E. , Waste Management , vol.29 (1) (p.265 - 271) , 2009.01 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Leachability and Phytoavailability of NPK from Different Bio-composts under Chloride and Sulphate Dominated Irrigation Water , Zahoor, A., Honna T. and Yamamoto,S. , Journal of Environmental Quality , vol.37 (3) (p.1288 - 1298) , 2008.05 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Phosphorus fractionation in chicken and duck litter burned at different temperature , Faridullah, Yamamoto, S., Irshad, M., Uchiyama, T. and Honna, T. , Soil Science , vol.173 (4) (p.287 - 295) , 2008.04 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Evaluation of Nutrient Release in Salit-saturetaed Soils , Irshad, M., Inoue, M., Eneji, A. E., Yamamoto, S. and Honna, T. , Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis , vol.39 (0) (p.789 - 799) , 2008.03 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Changes in water-extractability of soil inorganic phosphate induced by chloride and sulphate salts , Zahoor, A., Faridullah, E-Sharkawi, H., Irshad, M., Honna, T., Yamamoto, S. and Ahmed Salim Al-Busaidi , Environmental Science and Pollution Research , vol.15 (1) (p.23 - 26) , 2008.01 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Agronomic Performances of Different Cucumber Genotypes Grown under Plastic Film as Off-Season Cultivation in Northern Areas of Pakistan , Faridullah, Irshad, M., Alam, A., Yamamoto, S., Uddin, M. I., Qasim, M., Harun-or-Rashid, M and Zahoor, A. , Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Science , vol.14 (4) (p.33 - 40) , 2008 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) response to combined organic and inorganic phosphorus fertilizers application under saline conditions , Zahoor, A., Honna, T., Yamamoto, S., Irshad, M., E-Sharkawi, H., Hassan, A. K. S. and Faridullah , Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant and Soil Science, Acta Agriculturae Scandinavia Section B- Soil and Plant Section , vol.57 (0) (p.222 - 230) , 2007.09 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Biological nitrogen fixation by native microorganisms in a waste-amended paddy soil , El-Sharkawi, H., Honna, T., Yamamoto, S. and Eneji, A. , Journal of Sustainable Agriculture , vol.29 (4) (p.23 - 38) , 2007.04 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Soil development and fertility characteristics of inland valleys in the rain forest zone of Nigeria: Physicochemical properties and morphological features , Abe, S.S, Oyediran, G.O., Yamamoto, S., Masunaga, T., Honna, T. and Wakatsuki, T. , Soil Science and Plant Nutrition , vol.53 (0) (p.141 - 149) , 2007.04 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Land-use effects on soil macro- and micronutrient status in tropical lowland zone of Bolivia , Abe,S.S., Yamamoto, S., Masunaga, T., Endo, T., Wakatsuki, T. and Honna, T. , Grassland Science , vol.53 (0) (p.33 - 38) , 2007.03 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Primary mineral characteristics of topsoil samples from lowlands in seven West African countries , Abe, S.S, Oyediran, G.O., Masunaga, T., Yamamoto, S., Honna, T. and Wakatsuki, T. , Japanese Journal of Tropical Agriculture , vol.51 (1) (p.35 - 39) , 2007.03 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) response to different planting methods and row geometries I. Effect on plant growth and yield , Zahoor, A., Faridullah, Shah, P., Sanaullah, B., Kakar, K. M., E-Sharkawi, H., Honna, T. and Yamamoto, S. , Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science , vol.53 (1) (p.49 - 61) , 2007.02 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Effect of Cl- and SO42- Salinity on Micronutrients Release and Uptake from Different Composts Applied on Total Phosphorus Basis (In press) , Zahoor, A., Honna,T., Yamamoto,S., Faridullah, Irshad, M and El-Hassan,W. H. A. , Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis , vol.0 (0) (p.0) , 2007 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Causes of Farmland Salinization and Remedial Measures in the Aral Sea basin - Research on Water Management to Prevent Secondary Salinization in Rice-based Cropping System in Arid , Kitamura, Y., Yano, T., Honna, T., Yamamoto, S. and Inosako, K. , Agricultural Water Management , vol.85 (0) (p.1 - 14) , 2006 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Soil profile alteration in a brown forest soil under high-input tea cultivation , Abe, S.S., Hayashi, I., Masunaga, T., Yamamoto, S., Honna, T. and Wakatsuki, T. , Plant Production Science , vol.9 (4) (p.457 - 461) , 2006 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Rice yield and nutrient uptake as affected by cyanobacteria and soil amendments - a pot experiment , E-Sharkawi, H., Yamamoto, S. and Honna, T. , Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science , vol.169 (0) (p.809 - 815) , 2006 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English