Doctor (World Heritage) , University of Tsukuba , Thesis , 2011.03
Study of microbial corrosion behavior of carbon steel both in alkaline liquid medium and liquid medium with anions , S.Lee、T.Matsui and H.Yoshikawa , Science and Technology , vol.49 (6) (p.562 - 566) , 2014 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
The Influence of Long-term Deposit Environment for the Corrosion of Archaeological Excavated Iron Objects , Soyeon LEE, Toshiya MATSUI, Hideaki YOSHIKAWA , Materiaru Raifu Gakkaishi , vol.25 (3) (p.67 - 74) , 2013.10 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Biomineralization of Vivianite on Carbon Steel Surface Attacked by the Iron Reducing Bacteria , S. Lee、H. Yoshikawa、T. Matsui , Materials Research Society , vol.1265 (p.209 - 214) , 2010 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
A Study on the Change of the Corrosion Products by the Activity of Iron Reducing Bacteria for Corrosion Carbon Steel , So Yeon Lee, Toshiya Matsui, Hideki Yoshikawa , Journal of Conservation Science , vol.26 (4) (p.407 - 416) , 2010 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , The in Addition, Foreign Language
(共著)A Sampling Method and Data Evaluation of Archaeological Samples to Support Long Term Corrosion Prediction , H.Yoshikawa、S.Lee and T.Matsui , Corrosion , vol.65 (4) (p.227 - 232) , 2009 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Updated on 2022/12/13