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An interstratified illite/smectite mineral vein found in chaotic rock from the Nikoro Group in the accretionary Tokoro Belt, northeastern Hokkaido, Japan , Hiroyuki MAEDA and Masanori KOHNO , Clay Science , vol.19 (1) (p.5 - 9) , 2015.03 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Similarities in fault gouges of non-landslide area and slip surface clays of the 2006 Toyomi Slide within greenstone from the Nikoro Group in the Tokoro Belt, Hokkaido, Japan , Hiroyuki MAEDA, Masanori KOHNO, Kenji TSUJI, Hitomi KUBO and Hideaki AOKI , Landslides - Journal of the Japan Landslide Society , vol.52 (1) (p.15 - 20) , 2015.01 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
A numerical simulation on stress and deformation around circular hole using a distinct element modeling , Kenichi FUMIMURA, Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA and Masanori KOHNO , Proceedings of the 43th Symposium on Rock Mechanics (p.13 - 18) , 2015.01 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Note on spring stiffness in distinct element modeling , Daichi MITSUHASHI, Kenichi FUMIMURA, Masanori KOHNO and Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA , Ground Engineering , vol.32 (1) (p.143 - 147) , 2014.12 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Small-scale laboratory test on influence of slope materials on rockfall motion , Katsuya KITASAKO, Masanori KOHNO, Yasuo IKEZOE and Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA , Ground Engineering , vol.32 (1) (p.45 - 52) , 2014.12 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Small-scale experimental study of rockfall impacts on rock and sandy slopes , Masanori KOHNO, Katsuya KITASAKO and Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA , Rock Mechanics for Global Issues – Natural Disasters, Environment and Energy – (Noriaki Shimizu, Katsuhiko Kaneko and Jun-ichi Kodama, editors), Proceedings of 2014 ISRM International Symposium - 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS8) (p.2505 - 2513) , 2014.10 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Relating distinct lattice spring method parameters to elastic properties of rocks , Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA, Kenichi FUMIMURA, Masanori KOHNO and Hiroshi UEDA , Rock Mechanics for Global Issues – Natural Disasters, Environment and Energy – (Noriaki Shimizu, Katsuhiko Kaneko and Jun-ichi Kodama, editors), Proceedings of 2014 ISRM International Symposium - 8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS8) (p.954 - 962) , 2014.10 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
A laboratory test on rockfall impacts -coefficients of restitution and rotational motion- , Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA, Masanori KOHNO, Katsuya KITASAKO and Yasuo IKEZOE , Proceedings of the 48th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium , 2014.06 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Geological characteristics of dip slope type landslides occurred on a dominant hard shale-bearing formation in the Green Tuff region: an example of the Oshinkoshin landslide area in the Shiretoko Peninsula, East Hokkaido, Japan , Hiroyuki MAEDA, Masanori KOHNO, Shigenori HASEBE, Hiroki SAWANO and Shunsuke HIGAKI , Landslides - Journal of the Japan Landslide Society , vol.51 (3) (p.81 - 89) , 2014.05 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Estimation and confirmation of a slip surface in an earth slide: an example of an HAZL from the Ikutahara-Minami landslide prevention area, East Hokkaido, Japan , Hiroyuki MAEDA, Masanori KOHNO, Yoshihiko SEKISHITA, Satoshi UEMATSU and Hiroshi NAYA , Landslides - Journal of the Japan Landslide Society , vol.51 (3) (p.106 - 112) , 2014.05 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Significance of weathering zone in a reverse-dip slope type landslide occurred on a diagenetic zone hard shale: an example of the Honki Slide area in northeastern Hokkaido, Japan , Hiroyuki MAEDA, Masanori KOHNO, Junpei KOTAKE and Susumu ANDO , Landslides - Journal of the Japan Landslide Society , vol.51 (1) (p.13 - 20) , 2014.01 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Spring stiffness formulation of distinct element-based method for modeling of elastic continua , Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA, Kenichi FUMIMURA, Shinya KAYANO, Hiroshi UEDA and Masanori KOHNO , Proceedings of the 42th Symposium on Rock Mechanics (p.68 - 73) , 2014.01 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Experimental study on soil improvement effects by mixing with gravel-coarse sand of clinker ash , Masanori KOHNO, Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA, Ichiro YOSHIOKA and Akifumi NAKASHITA , Ground Engineering , vol.31 (1) (p.119 - 124) , 2013.12 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
A small laboratory test and discontinuous modeling using DEM on flexural toppling failure of rock slopes , Hiroshi UEDA, Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA, Koichi NAKAMURA and Masanori KOHNO , Frontiers of Discontinuous Numerical Methods and Practical Simulations in Engineering and Disaster Prevention (Guangqi Chen, Yuzo Ohnishi, Lu Zheng and Takeshi Sasaki, editors), Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation (ICADD 11) (p.399 - 404) , 2013.08 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
A small scale laboratory test using shaking table apparatus for toppling failure of rock slopes , Tsuyoshi NISHIMURA, Koichi NAKAMURA, Masanori KOHNO and Hiroshi UEDA , Rock Dynamics and Applications - State of the Art (Jian Zhao and Jianchun Li, editors), Proceedings of First International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications (RocDyn-1) (p.239 - 244) , 2013.06 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Experiment on landslide hazard mapping, based on AHP method, in consideration of point load strength of hydrothermally altered rock: Example in the Ohekisawa-Shikerebenbetsugawa landslide area in eastern Hokkaido, Japan , Masanori KOHNO and Hiroyuki MAEDA , Landslides - Journal of the Japan Landslide Society , vol.50 (3) (p.121 - 129) , 2013.05 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Relationship between landslides, geological structures, and hydrothermal alteration zones in the Ohekisawa-Shikerebenbetsugawa landslide area, Hokkaido, Japan , Hiroyuki MAEDA, Takashi SASAKI, Kazuyuki FURUTA, Katsuhiro TAKASHIMA, Akihiro UMEMURA and Masanori KOHNO , Journal of Earth Science and Engineering , vol.2 (6) (p.317 - 327) , 2012.06 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
A palygorskite vein found in conglomerate of the Upper Eocene-Lower Oligocene Rikubetsu Formation in northeastern Hokkaido, Japan , Hiroyuki MAEDA, Yutaka FUKUSHIMA, Hiroshi NAYA, Yasuhiko YAMAMOTO and Masanori KOHNO , Clay Science , vol.16 (1) (p.15 - 18) , 2012.03 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Relationship between point load strength index and uniaxial compressive strength of hydrothermally altered rocks , Masanori KOHNO and Hiroyuki MAEDA , International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences , vol.50 (p.147 - 157) , 2012.02 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Estimation of uniaxial compressive strength of soft and semi-hard rocks based on irregular lump point load strength test results in natural-moist state of on-site - Example of hydrothermally altered rocks of the Upper Miocene volcaniclastic and clastic rocks - , Masanori KOHNO and Hiroyuki MAEDA , Journal of MMIJ , vol.128 (1) (p.17 - 22) , 2012.01 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese