61 - 69 of about 69
Facial Deblur Inference to Improve Recognition of Blurred Faces , Masashi Nishiyama, Hidenori Takeshima, Jamie Shotton, Tatsuo Kozakaya, and Osamu Yamaguchi , Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern (p.1115 - 1122) , 2009.06 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Face Recognition based on Whitening Transformation of Distribution ofSubspaces , Tomokazu Kawahara, Masashi Nishiyama, Tatsuo Kozakaya,and Osamu Yamaguchi , Workshop on ACCV2007 Subspace (p.97 - 103) , 2007.11 , There is Review , The Simple Work , English
Recognition of Moving People Using Hierarchical Matching of Face Images , NISHIYAMA Masashi,YUASA Mayumi,SHIBATA Tomoyuki,WAKASUGI Tomokazu,YAMAGUCHI Osamu , The IEICE transactions on information and systems , vol.J90-D (8) (p.2191 - 2201) , 2007.08 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese
Recognizing Faces of Moving People by Hierarchical Image-Set Matching , Masashi Nishiyama, Mayumi Yuasa, Tomoyuki Shibata,Tomokazu Wakasugi, Tomokazu Kawahara, and Osamu Yamaguchi , Proceedings of IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics (p.1 - 8) , 2007.06 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Face Recognition Using the Classified Appearance-based Quotient Image , Masashi Nishiyama, and Osamu Yamaguchi , Proceedings of 7th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and GestureRecognition (p.49 - 54) , 2006.04 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Face Recognition with the Multiple Constrained Mutual SubspaceMethod , Masashi Nishiyama, Osamu Yamaguchi, and Kazuhiro Fukui , Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Audio- and Video-based BiometricPerson Authentication (p.71 - 80) , 2005.07 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Virtual Photometric Environment using Projector , Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Masashi Nishiyama, and Takeshi Shakunaga , Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (p.544 - 553) , 2004.12 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Realization of Virtual Photometric Environment by PhotometricPattern Projection , Yasuhiro Mukaigawa, Masashi Nishiyama, and Takeshi Shakunaga , Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligencein Robotics and Automation (p.435 - 440) , 2003.07 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Creation of Virtual Photometric Environment by Photometric Pattern Projection onto Screen Object , The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers. , vol..J84-D-II (7) (p.1448 - 1455) , 2001.08 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , Japanese