Doctor of Information Science , Kyushu University , Coursework , 2022.03
National Institute of Informatics , 2022.04 -
Information Processing Society of Japan , JAPAN , 2000.04 -
IEEE , UNITED STATES , 2010.09 -
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology , JAPAN , 2011.04 -
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) , JAPAN , 2011.12 -
JSPS 163rd Committee on Internet Technology , JAPAN , 2012.05 - 2022.03
Energy Efficient Network Operation
Future Internet
Energy-efficient networking by dynamic power supply mangement. , Energy Efficient Network Operation , Cooperative Research with Other Research Organization Including Private (industrial) Sectors , Commissioned Research
Newer routing protocol toward Future Internet , Future Internet, routing , Cooperative Research with Other Research Organization Including Private (industrial) Sectors , Commissioned Research
Information Security
Wireless LAN
Mobile IP
A Discussion on Automation of VLAN Configuration in a Campus Network , Motoyuki OHMORI , vol.2023 (p.9 - 15) , 2023.11 , There is Review , The Simple Work , Japanese
A discussion for increasing throughput in QUIC implementations , Motoyuki Ohmori , IEICE technical report , vol.129 (193) (p.83 - 88) , 2023.09 , There is No Review , The Simple Work , Japanese
A discussion on a port scan to Tottori University , Motoyuki Ohmori , IPSJ SIG Technical Reports , vol.2023-CSEC-102 (12) (p.1 - 6) , 2023.07 , There is No Review , The Simple Work , Japanese
A Prototyping of Push-Based Data Collecting Infrastructure Toward Network Telemetry for Tracking Connected Terminals , Motoyuki Ohmori , IPSJ SIG Technical Reports , vol.2023-IOT-63 (9) (p.1 - 7) , 2023.07 , There is No Review , The Simple Work , Japanese
Let’s Block Encrypted Malicious Sites , Motoyuki Ohmori , Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Workshop on Network Technologies for Security, Administration & Protection (NETSAP 2023) in Conjunction with the 47th Annual International Computer, Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2023) (p.1026 - 1031) , 2023.06 , There is Review , The Simple Work , English
Gigabit Network , Yuichi ASAHARA, Masaki HIRABARU, Motoyuki OHMORI Koji OKAMURA, Kenji WATANABE, et al , IOS Press and Ohmsha , 2003.10 , p.140 , The Book (the science book) , The Multiple Authorship , Allotment Writing , English
Development and Operation of the NGI (Next Generation Internet) Technologies , 2003.04 ~ 2011.03 , 2003 , (Duration)
38th I PSJ Ineternet and Operation Technology (IOT) Workshop , On a Computer Security Incident Response System , 2017.06 , The Domestic Conference , The Oral (generality)
33rd I PSJ Ineternet and Operation Technology (IOT) Workshop , On a SNMP DoS Attack against Vulnerable Architecture of Netw ork Equipment , 2016.05 , The Domestic Conference , The Oral (generality)
the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) 37th meeting , Design and Implementation of Keyword Centric Network (KCN) , 2014.01 , The International Conference , The Oral (generality)
Super Computing 2013 , Keyword Centric Network (KCN) , 2013.11 , The International Conference , Other
CKP-QGPOP join workshop , Introduction of KCN (Keyword Centric Network) , 2013.11 , The Domestic Conference , The Oral (generality)
Updated on 2024/02/21