Tottori University Faculty of Agriculture Fungus/Mushroom Resourceand Research Center , Assistant Professor , 2016.02 -
Living organisms diversity/classification
Timber production science/wood engineering
Balsamia oblonga (Helvellaceae), a new species from a subalpine forest in Japan , Kohei Yamamoto, Naoki Endo, Muneyuki Ohmae, Takamichi Orihara , Truffology , vol.4 (1) (p.1 - 7) , 2021.03 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Four mycelial strains of Entoloma clypeatum species complex form ectomycorrhiza-like roots with Pyrus betulifolia seedlings in vitro, and one develops fruiting bodies 2 months after inoculation , Manami Shishikura, Yoshihiro Takemura, Kozue Sotome, Nitaro Maekawa, Akira Nakagiri, Naoki Endo , Mycorrhiza , vol.31 (1) (p.31 - 42) , 2021.01 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Athelia termitophila sp. nov. is the teleomorph of the termite ball fungus Fibularhizoctonia sp. , Nitaro Maekawa, Hiroaki Yokoi, Kozue Sotome, Kenji Matsuura, Chihiro Tanaka, Naoki Endo, Akira Nakagiri, Shuji Ushijima , Mycoscience , vol.61 (6) (p.323 - 330) , 2020.08 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Mycorrhizal synthesis, morpho-anatomical characterization of mycorrhizae, and evaluation of mycorrhiza-forming ability of Hydnum albidum–like species using monokaryotic and dikaryotic cultures , Ryo Sugawara, Kozue Sotome, Nitaro Maekawa, Akira Nakagiri, Naoki Endo , Mycorrhiza , vol.31 (3) (p.349 - 359) , 2021.02 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Characterization of Japanese Lactarius section deliciosi ectomycorrhizae: Toward the use of mycorrhizae for taxonomy and expansion of available cultures , Naoki Endo, Tatsuki Yamamoto, Ryo Sugawara, Kozue Sotome, Nitaro Maekawa, Akira Nakagiri , Mycoscience , vol.61 (6) (p.293 - 306) , 2020.06 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Mycoscience, Elsevier, 2016
日本きのこ学会誌, 日本きのこ学会, 2017
Mycoscience, Elsevier, 2017
Updated on 2023/09/05