Kyoto University , Faculty of Education , 2009.03 , Graduated , JAPAN
Kyoto University , Graduate School, Division of Education , 2014.03 , Accomplished credits for doctoral program , JAPAN
Ph.D. in Education , Kyoto University , Coursework , 2015.03
First Kind of Junior High School Teacher License
First Kind of High School Teacher License
Autonomic versus perceptual accounts for tactile hypersensitivity in autism , Fukuyama, H., Kumagaya, S., Asada, K., Ayaya, S., & Kato, M. , Scientific Reports , vol.7 (8259) (p.1 - 11) , 2017.08 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Infant’s action skill dynamically modulates parental action demonstration in the dyadic interaction , Fukuyama, H., Qin, S., Kanakogi, Y., Nagai, Y., Asada, M., & Myowa-Yamakoshi, M. , Developmental Science , vol.18 (6) (p.1006 - 1013) , 2015.11 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
The Development of Sharing Action and Emotion in Infant-Adult Interaction: The Infl uence of the Interactional Experience on Infants and Adults , Fukuyama, H. , vol.60 (p.453 - 466) , 2014.03 , The Simple Work , Japanese
Fourteen-month-old infants copy an action style accompanied by social-emotional cues , Fukuyama, H. & Myowa-Yamakoshi, M. , Infant Behavior and Development , vol.36 (4) (p.609 - 617) , 2013.12 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Co-development of information transfer within and between infant and caregiver , Nagai, Y., Nakatani, A., Qin, S., Fukuyama, H., Myowa-Yamakoshi, M., & Asada, M. , Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (p.1 - 6) , 2012.11 , There is Review , The Multiple Authorship , English
Communicative Musicality: Exploring the Basis of Human Companionship , S. Malloch, C. Trevarthen (Eds.) , ONGAKU NO TOMO SHA CORP. , 2018.03 , p.656 , The Book (the science book) , The Coeditorship Work , Joint Translation , Japanese
Updated on 2022/12/13