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A pathway from chromosome transfer to engineering resulting in human and mouse artificial chromosomes for a variety of applications to bio-medical challenges. , Oshimura M, Uno N, Kazuki Y, Katoh M, Inoue T. , Chromosome Res. , KLUWER , vol.23 (1) (p.111 - 133) , 2015.02 , Oshimura M, Uno N, Kazuki Y, Katoh M, Inoue T. , Learned Journal , The Multiple Authorship , English
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Human Artificial Chromosomes for Gene Delivery and the Development of Animal Models. , Kazuki Y, Oshimura M. , Mol Ther. , Nature Publishing Group , vol.19 (9) (p.1591 - 1601) , 2011.09 , Kazuki Y, Oshimura M. , Learned Journal , The Multiple Authorship , English
A new mouse model for Down syndrome. , Kazuki Y , Schulz TC, Shinohara T, Kadota M, Nishigaki R, Inoue T, Kimura M, Kai Y, Shirayoshi Y and Oshimura M. , Journal of Neural Transmission Supplement. , Springer Verlag (67) (p.1 - 20) , 2003 , Kazuki Y , Schulz TC, Shinohara T, Kadota M, Nishigaki R, Inoue T, Kimura M, Kai Y, Shirayoshi Y and Oshimura M. , Learned Journal , The Multiple Authorship , English
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